Step 1 of 3: Supply Information | Step 2 of 3: Confirm Entries | Step 3 of 3: Submission Confirmation
  • Please supply the information requested below.
  • Read all agreements on this form before submitting.
  • Fields having an asterisk notation are required.

Transaction Type:
*Type: Required minimum distribution from Plan where participant is within the calendar year of attaining the age of 73 or later. For more details, please visit our Transaction Information page or contact Tax Deferred Solutions.

Employee Information

*Last Name:    *First Name:    MI: 
Maiden/Former Name:   
* Address:
* City: * State:   * Zip:
* Phone: Alternate Phone:
* Email: * Re-enter Email:
* SS#: (9 digits, no dashes or spaces) * Date of Birth: (MM/DD/YYYY)
Date of Separation:

Service Provider Agent Information:

Distributing Account Information:

Please provide the information for the employer from whose Plan you wish to withdraw funds:
*Employer Name: Current Employer Name (if different than account sponsor):

Please provide the following information for the Service Provider who will be distributing (paying out) the funds for this transaction:

*Service Provider Company:
If other, please supply company name here:
Account #:

By clicking the button below labeled "Continue", I hereby confirm that the information on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.

*Re-enter Social Security # to verify:

Additional instructions will appear on the next screen    

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