Step 1 of 3: Supply Information | Step 2 of 3: Confirm Entries | Step 3 of 3: Submission Confirmation
- Please supply the information requested below.
- Read all agreements on this form before submitting.
- Fields having an asterisk notation are required.
Your employer's 457 plan permits eligible participants to utilize the Final Three Year Catch-Up. This catch-up permits employees to contribute up to twice the base limit ($47000 in 2025) in the three year
period prior to the year in which the participant reaches the normal retirement age as defined by the plan.
457 Plan Sponsor:
Please provide the information for the employer with whom you'd like to utilize Final Three Year Catch-Up.
Participant Information:
*Last Name:
*First Name:
Maiden/Former Name:
Alternate Phone
Re-enter Email:
(9 digits, no dashes or spaces)
Date of Birth:
I am a police officer or firefighter.
I have previously contributed amounts in excess of my age-based contribution limit under the auspices of the final three year catch-up provision.
Between January 1, 1979 and December 31, 2001, I have previously contributed to a 403(b), 457, 401(k), 402(h)(1)(B) simplified employee pension (i.e., SARSEP), 408(p) simple retirement plan (i.e., simple IRA), or any other plan in which a deduction was allowed at another employer.
If permitted by my Plan, I wish to designate my normal retirement age as: